Friday, July 30, 2010

Am I a runner?

So the past few months I've been trying something new - runnning.

Although I competed in school sports, did PE and even did Track Team while I was in America, I just don't see myself as an athlete - more an uncoordinated slightly eccentric dork. And while I have gone for an ocassional jog here and there, the voices in my head telling me that what I am doing is hard and pointless always seem to have won out in the past.

But this time, so far, so good. I think the trick was starting slow, and understanding my motivation. After walking around the airport (a 5km track) a few times purely as a form of relaxation and de-briefing, I found myself one night consumed by a childish energy, and felt compelled to run. So I ran until I couldn't run any more, slowed down to a walk to get my breath back and then ran again. It felt exhilarating - which is not really something I would have said about running ever before.

So, from these beginnings, I've been consistently running around 3 nights a week. Sometimes is a solid slow slog around the airport listening to lectures about Ancient Greece on my iPod, other days a quick 20 minutes of speed work on the treadmill while watching A Current Affair. But always, I feel like doing it, and it's fun.

My motivation this time round is the experience, not the results. Running is a chance to just be in my head for a while, switch off from work, and just enjoy feeling what my body is capable of. Yes, getting fitter, sleeping better, losing a few kgs and looking trim taut and terrific would be nice - but that isn't what gets me moving.

So far it's been about 10 weeks of regular running. A good start, but only that. Will update soon to let you know how this motivation goes when things start to get a bit more mundane.